Year of Learning
This page contains a number of resources, books, articles and links to help us read and think widely during this year of learning.
This shows a full spectrum of views and is designed that way. It is important to not just read and watch authors and speakers with whom we agree, but also to be open to learning from those with which we differ.
This does mean you may feel strongly about some of what you read and listen to here. Some resources will require you to purchase them, others are freely available online. We are also happy to share resources that church members have found helpful and will try to do so, by maintaining a range of resources here. These resources will also be regularly refreshed with new links and posts.

Stories about sexuality
To watch a range of stories from a Church of England resource of people living in 'Love and Faith,' click here.
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William Loader books
William Loader's 'Making Sense of Sex' and 'Sexuality in the New Testament' provide in-depth and academic overview of sexuality in its historical context. Loader himself writes from a 'Side A' perspective - that the church should become inclusive and affirming, but with a desire for the historical passages to be read in context and taken seriously. The links take you to Amazon but the books are available from other sources too.

A book with both perspectives
This book contains discussion between four writers who cover the range of viewpoints on faith and sexuality. Two views on homosexuality is a fairly unique book as it includes gracious discussion, different of thought and disagreement as the writers discuss their understanding of scripture and tradition.
Matthew Vines Speaking
Matthew Vines, author of 'God and the Gay Christian,' is himself an American Gay Christian and this is a talk he gives to a church in his home town where he passionately and gently outlines why he no longer believes that the Bible condemns, loving, committed same-sex relationships. He identifies and discusses the commonly used Biblical ideas and passages used about homosexuality and speaks about his personal experience and pain.

Washed and Waiting
(An Orthodox/Traditional view on sexuality)
In 'Washed and Waiting,' Wesley Hill, a celibate gay Christian, gives a glimpse of what it looks like to wrestle firsthand with God's "No" to same-sex relationships. How can gay Christians experience God's favor and blessing in the midst of a struggle that for many brings a crippling sense of shame and guilt?
Video of Side A and B Christians in discussion
This is the video we watched in our first session. It has a gentle, warm and wide-ranging discussion between two gay Christian men who work out their faith in different ways when it comes to their sexuality. It's part of a series put on by Unbelievable, linked to Premier Christian radio. You can see their other videos here.


Tim Keller and Kevin DeYoung
Tim Keller and Kevin DeYoung here speak about their Presbyterian denomination's report on sexuality, how it was written and their thinking and input into it. They have 12 statements which they speak through and which would be representative of a more strongly conservative Evangelical view. The full report they speak through, including footnotes and references can be read here.