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Eco Tips

Each month we will be sharing ideas of things you can do to shrink your carbon footprint and combat climate change. They will range from easy and cheap challenges to really life-changing ones.

We hope you’re up for the challenge, but please do what you can as it all helps. If there’s anything you’d like to know more about, or a topic you’d like us to cover in future, do let us know.


Liz Francis


This Month's Eco Tips: Recycling

  1. Check what you can recycle in your kerbside collection -

  2. Check out OCC’s Waste Wizard:

  3. Check out what you can recycle via Terracycle:

  4. Check what recycling logos mean:

  5. Take your litter home to recycle or bin and encourage others to do so

  6. Donate to The Oxfam Superstore in Oxford, including appliances:


  8. Check what your school or workplace recycles. If it’s not enough, ask for more

  9. A few specifics:

Image by Joey Kyber

This Month's Eco Tips: Transport

  1. Walk or cycle, share lifts, use public transport -

  2. Plan your journeys so that you do all your errands in fewer trips

  3. Avoid air travel for work or holidays. If that’s not possible, limit yourself to 500 miles from home. Use telepresence for your meetings & conferences

  4. Useful websites:

  5. Bikes:

  6. Driving:

  7. Invest in an electric car:

Give your feedback on Eco Tips!


We’d love your feedback on how you’ve got on with Eco Tips.


The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.


Click here to access the form

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