What To Expect at a Cornerstone Service
Expand the different sections to find out a bit more about what our Sunday mornings look like.
Each service starts at 10.30 and ends at about 12.00.
There is limited parking available at the school so please walk or cycle if you are able.
This is the vehicular entrance from Park Street.
This is the pedestrian entrance from Van Diemans Road.
​There are signs to show you where to enter the building.
As you enter through this door you will see toilets in front of you. There may be someone there to welcome you
If you would like to pray before the service you can turn to your right and go into a classroom to meet with others from 10.00.
On your left you can enter the main hall
There is a table just inside the door which you can take information from. There are also fidget bags for use during the service for anyone who needs them to aid focus.
You can sit in any of the seats provided. There are extra comfy seats for those with limited mobility.
There is no set order to the services but they can include:
Call to worship (simple song/doxology)
Songs led by a band, actions led by the A-Team
Theme illustration which can include a game, drama, craft activity or video
Gorilla Gallery (sharing good news)
Sermon (talk)
Communion (third Sunday of the month) - gluten free bread is available & we use non-alcoholic grape juice
Time of worship and response
All activities are optional and anything at the front of the hall is done by requesting volunteers.
If you need some quiet space at any time during the service, please feel free to use the lovely open site of the school
You can also sit quietly in a nearby classroom.
There is a creche space available for pre-school-age children during the service next to the meeting hall
There is a team of volunteers (over 16s are DBS checked) who run creche but you can also stay if you would like to.
What does Sclub mean?
It's our children's group.
Who is Sclub for?
For children aged 5-11.
When can we go?
Half way through the service 3 or 4 times a month.
What do we do in Sclub?
We learn about God from the Bible in a fun and active way using games and crafts as well as teaching, sometimes through acting it out and discussing.
To help you further with what to expect here are some pictures...
1. After starting in the main hall, we will walk over together to the other hall (Vernon Hall)
2. We use named pegs to sign in at the start, don't worry we have lots of spares.
3. The leader will let you know what is happening first but there will also be a visual timetable so you know what to expect.
4. You are likely to do games and crafts in these spaces.
5. The story time often happens on these mats.
We look forward to meeting you!
Parents, Sclub is run by a team of volunteers (over 16s are DBS checked) but you’re welcome to help your child settle when they first come.
Children can use the play equipment on site after the service
They need to be supervised by parents.
Song words, Bible verses and other information will be shown on a screen. If you would like the words in Ukrainian, there will either be words on the screen in Ukrainian or a QR code for you to scan on your phone to take you to them
There are people available to pray with or for you after each service. They are wearing lanyards like this:
Refreshments are available at the end of each service from a serving hatch in the main hall
During refreshments people chat and the hall can get quite noisy, so feel free to take drinks outside and chat there.
If you need an accessible toilet
you can find one through these doors at the back of the hall
or enter the hall through this door for more direct access
If you need help to get through the doors, please do ask anyone at church to help you.
In fact, if you have any accessibility needs, please do let us know. We have an Inclusion Group who would love to hear your thoughts on how we can help you to feel fully involved.