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Securely Single

Click the link below to register your interest and availability so that we can plan accordingly. 

Securley Single (15 × 15in).png

Why join us?

Securely Single is for anyone who is single, or who have found themselves single again. The course aims to encourage single people to live fulfilled lives whether they are single for a short or a long period of time.

Course Outline


Is there something wrong with me?

This talk gets us to think about identity and talk about some of the positives and negatives of being single and to see that no one is alone in their singleness


Is singleness a gift?

This session explors the idea of singleness being a gift. This is a gift that many (though not all) who are single don’t want to receive and would like to hand back. The talk aims to encourage participants to see this gift as a grace for singleness using verses such as Philippians 4:12-13 and therefore highlighting the call to be content in every circumstance.


Moving on: Making the most of being single.

The final week helps participants to see that being single is not a waiting room where we just hang around until a spouse comes along but a place where we can bear fruit and live well. The talk aims to encourage participants to see that being single can be a good thing and that they are not second class because they are unmarried.


Who are you? Unvailing God's promises.

The talk traces through from Genesis to Isaiah investigating the theme of inheritance, moving through from inheritance being seen in land, money and offspring to the promise of hope and inheritance in the gift of the coming Messiah.


What about intimacy and celibacy?

In this session we look at the way the world sees sex, celibacy and intimacy and highlights the importance of friendship. The world sees sex as a right and often scorns the idea of celibacy. The material recognises the pressures that many people feel to conform to the world around them, but that our challenge as Christians is to centre our lives around Jesus, whether we are married or single.

John Hampden School, Park Street, Thame, OX9 3HU  |  |  

Church Services: 10:30 Am Sunday Mornings | Meet at John Hampden School, OX9 3HU

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