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Maundy Thursday Meal

We really hope you can join us at 6pm at John Hampden School for our Maundy Thursday Meal. If not this page contains the script and shopping list to enable you to have your own meal inspired by the last supper and passover. Simply get your guests to click on the images and download them to their electronic devices, or you can print them out for each guest. Follow the script and adapt it to your situation.

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Click HERE for the full PDF or click the images, right click and select save to download it to your device.

From Passover to Easter.-2.png

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This page features your shopping list too!

From Passover to Easter.-1.png

Do Join in as fully as you can! 

Do raise a glass and say these words at any time on Maundy Thursday, even if you are unable to do a meal yourself: Blessed are You, Lord our God, Mighty rescuer, King of the Universe, who brings forth the bread of life from the earth. Thank you for Easter! Amen!

Easter Eggs on Hay

John Hampden School, Park Street, Thame, OX9 3HU  |  |  

Church Services: 10:30 Am Sunday Mornings | Meet at John Hampden School, OX9 3HU

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